
Before we get to hashing, let's first take a look at arrays (also called lists in Python). Consider an array consisting of elements (say numbers). We can access them as , and both reads and writes take constant time. We can think of the array as a map (function) While that sounds like a useful structure, it is also a very rigid one. What about adding or removing elements? What if we would like to use indexes other than the numbers from to ?

The hash table is a data structure which solves a lot of these problems. Without going into the inner workings of a hash table, we can think of such an object as a map The keys (indexes) can be numbers, strings, or a variety of other objects. While allowing such diverse keys is often a plus, that also means that we have no sense of order between them. Put formally, the set of keys is non-ordered. On the positive side, reading, writing, adding, and removing elements are all constant time operations (on average).

Hash tables in Python are called dictionaries, and they are almost as easy to use as lists. For example, the following code creates an empty dictionary ages, and adds to entries to it.

ages = {}
ages["cat"] = 4
ages["dog"] = 2

The same dictionary can equivalently be initialized directly in one line.

ages = { "cat": 2, "dog": 2 }

Checking whether a given key exists in a dictionary using the in operator. For example, the statement "cat" in ages evaluates to True.

Sometimes, we need a data structure similar to a set, that is, a keys-only hash table. In Python such objects are also called sets, and they are even easier to work with than dictionaries. For example, the following line initializes a set of two strings.

pets = { "cat", "dog" }

Finding summands

Given an array and an integer , find elements and of such that .

Before jumping to a hash table, let's think of simple solutions to this problem. For once, we can go through all pairs and compute their sum. The resulting algorithm has complexity .

As a second attempt, we can start by sorting the list. Imagine we have fixed one integer and would like to check if the list contains its complement . This operation can be performed using a binary search which is . Since there are choices for the first integer , the algorithm has complexity .

Instead of starting with a sort, we can convert the list of numbers to a set. This is an operation ( constant time additions). Once that is done, we can go through all elements , and check if their complement is also in the set. This amounts to constant time checks, so the second part is also . In conclusion, using a set reduced the complexity to .

{% include "./algorithms/Code/finding_summands.py" %}

Unique elements

Given a list of integers, remove all duplicates from it.

Word frequency

Given an body of text, construct a list of all words that appear in it together with their frequencies.

Finding anagrams

Two words are called *anagrams( if one can be obtained from the other by rearranging its letters. For example, "listen" and "silent" are anagrams. Given a dictionary of words, split it into groups such that each consists of words that are anagrams of each other.