the Fibonacci sequence

Tiling a strip

In how many ways can you tile an strip with dominoes?

Let denote the number of ways we can tile a strip with dominoes. If one has never seen this problem before, our first instinct should be to compute small values of . Direct inspection shows that which is identical to the Fibonacci sequence. This observation suggests we should be looking for a recursive relation satisfied by .

Fix a value . We will split the tilings of a strip of length into two groups: those that end with a vertical domino, and those that end with two horizontal ones.

Group 1 Group 2
Group 1 Group 1

Starting with a tiling in the first group, we can remove the last domino to get a tiling of length . Conversely, if we start with a tiling of length , we can add a vertical domino to get one in the first group. This shows that the number of tilings in the first group is exactly . Similar logic shows that there are tilings in the second group. Putting this together, we find that Together with , and , induction implies that is the -st Fibonacci number.

Sum of Fibonacci squares

Find a geometric proof of the identity

The negative Fibonacci sequence

Manipulating the recursive relation to allows us to define the Fibonacci numbers for negative values of . Can you express in terms of ?

The Fibonacci limit

What is the limit

Let us assume the limit exists and is equal to . The trick is to find a self-similarity (similar to the Infinite exponentiation problem) and arrive at an equation satisfies by . As with any problem involving the Fibonacci numbers, the first thing we should try to use is the recursive relation.

We deduced that restiefies the equation whose roots are Since all ratios are positive, it follows that the limit is non-negative. Duscarding the negative solution, we conclude that

CHALLENGE: Try to show that the limit exists.

The Fibonacci numbers and linear algebra

Find a matrix such that Use this to find a closed formula for in terms of .

If we write , then it is immediate that so .

The characteristic polynomial of has roots and we can write , where Note that .

Applying the matrix equality involving multiple times, we obtain Substituting leads to the Binet formula: We will present an alternative, although clearly related, derivation using generating functions later on.

It is worth noting that the matrix equality we derived is sometimes expressed as This equality holds for all integers , so it gives us an alternative approach to describing the negative Fibonacci numbers.

Other starting points

Consider the sequence where and are real numbers. Can you express in terms of the Fibonacci numbers?

Note that and . It follows that we can write Since the satisfy the same recursive relation as the Fibonacci sequence, it follows by induction that This result can be interpreted as a statement that the Fibonacci sequence is somehow fundamental among all sequences which satisfy the Fibonacci recursion. Put differently, even though there is nothing special about the starting points and , sequences with other starting points can always be expressed in terms of the .

The pitfalls of recursion

Consider the following implementation of the Fibonacci sequence in Python.

def F(n):
    if n == 0 or n == 1:
        return n
        return F(n-1) + F(n-2)

Let the number of functions calls resulting in a call to F(n) be . Can you find a recursive definition for ? Does this allow us to express in closed terms? Explain why your analysis shows that the recursive implementation above is undesirable.