Divisibility and remainders

Square plus one

Can you find a positive integer which divides both and for some ? How many such are there?

Trying small values of , we immediately find that works; for instance, choosing or . Then, of course works too, because divides all integers.

Let us now prove that and are the only possibilities. Suppose we have a that divides both and ; then it divides their difference, in symbols Now, let's try to combine the relation with the ones we had before, in particular we can do and taking the difference again we get With the same procedure, we have and taking the difference we get . Wrapping everything up, we showed that if there exist a that divides both and for some integer , then it has to divide . But this means that can only be either or .


Why are the fractions integers (for )? Try to find an argument which doesn't appeal to the summation identities.

For the first, let us show that is always divisible by . Let us consider all possibilities for the remainders of and modulo 2.

modulo 2
0 1 0
1 0 0

This shows that whatever is the remainder of modulo 2, the remainder of is always 0, so the fraction is an integer. In other words, among two consecutive integers one has to be even, so their product will be even too.

For the second fraction, we can just do the table mod 6 as we did before. Notice that the third column can just be obtained by summing the first two, and that when we are modulo 6 the product is .

modulo 6
0 1 1 0
1 2 3 0
2 3 5 0
3 4 1 0
4 5 3 0
5 0 5 0

The last digit

  • What is the last digit of (in base 10)?
  • What is the last digit of (in base 10)?

Let us look at the last digit powers of 7 have. Notice that to obtain the last digit of , we don't need to know the entire number , but only its last digit!

Power of 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Last digit 1 7 9 3 1 7 9 3 1 7

It is clear that we have a period of order 4. In particular, we have the following table (that can be proved by induction, for example).

So, to go back to to the first question in our problem, notice that the remainder of when divided by is . Then, the last digit of is . Notice that once we notice that , we can just say

To solve the second question, we need to find the remainder of the exponent of - namely, - when divided by 4. But we have

so that the last digit of is again .

The last digit of Fibonacci numbers

Consider the sequence of last digits (in base 10) obtained from the Fibonacci sequence. Is it periodic and why?

Consider the last digit of the first Fibonacci numbers.

Digit 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 3 1 4 5 9 4 3 7 0 7

Unlike in the previous exercise, there does not seem to be a clear pattern. The sequence is in fact periodic; we will now prove it without actually showing the cycle. Notice that the last digit of the Fibonacci number is solely determined by the last digits of and of .