Prime numbers

One less than a perfect square

Find a prime number which is one less than a perfect square. How many can you find?

In this problems, it is very important to turn the statement into an equation. In our case, we are looking for primes where is an integer. Factoring the right hand side, we obtain

We are now ready to use the fact that is a prime number. Whenever a prime number is a product of two integers, then one of the two is 1. In our case, this means that either or is 1! Hence, is either 0 or 2. When , the equation above implies which is not a prime. On the other hand, when , we get . This is indeed a prime and the only solution to our problem.

One more than a perfect square

Find a prime number which is one more than a perfect square. How many can you find?

In the same way as the previous exercise, we get an equation Sadly, we cannot factorize the right hand side. To try and understand what happens, let us test some values of and see whether we find a prime number.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 5 10 17 26 37 50 65 82 101
Prime? Y Y N Y N Y N N N Y

As we can see, there are many solutions, and one can only guess there is an infinite number of them. This question, also known as Landau's forth problem, remains open.

One fascinating feature of this type of problems is that if we slightly change the statement (in this case, we just altered a minus to a plus) the problem can become arbitrarily complicated, or even impossible to solve.

REMARK-MATH-HISTORY: Throughout history, mathematicians studied this problem quite a lot. For instance, there is a reason why the product of the numbers and is . The Fibonacci identity, probably already known to Diophantus of Alexandria in the century AC, states that This formula demonstrates that the product of two numbers that are sums of two squares is again a sum of two squares. The case we mentioned is and . Try a few more cases!

Furthermore, there is also a reason why all prime factors of the numbers (except for 2) give remainder 1 when divided by 4. Looking more closely at the table, the odd prime factors that we get are 5, 17, 13, 37, 41, 101. All of them are congruent to 1 modulo 4 (for an explanation of congruences, see the exercise Dividing the difference). This observation rests on the Quadratic reciprocity law, a very deep result proved by one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, Carl Friedrich Gauss, in 1798.

Euclid's Theorem

How do we know that there are infinitely many primes?

In this exercise, we will use a proof by contradiction: first assume the claim is false, and then deduce a contradiction from that.

Let us suppose the statement is false – that means there are only finitely many primes. We can then consider all of them, and call them . Consider the number We now that is greater than , and hence it must have a factorization as a product of primes. In particular, there exists a prime that divides it. Remember that needs to be in the list of primes we gave before, because we are supposing these are all the prime numbers. So, divides , but it divides also , because is the product of all primes. So divides both and , and hence it divides their difference . This is impossible because admits no positive divisors, so we get a contradiction. This proves that the initial assertion is indeed true, namely, there are infinitely many primes.